Liquidity Pool (LP)
90% of the total token supply is allocated to liquidity pools to ensure ample liquidity for trading TAOLYR tokens on decentralized exchanges. This allocation supports stable and efficient trading conditions, allowing users to easily buy, sell, and swap TAOLYR tokens.
Development and Operations
5% of the total token supply is allocated to fund ongoing development, operational costs, and future innovations within the Taolayer ecosystem. This allocation ensures that the platform remains cutting-edge, secure, and user-friendly, with regular updates and improvements.
Marketing and Growth
3% of the total token supply is allocated to support marketing initiatives, community engagement activities, and partnerships. This allocation helps in expanding the user base, increasing awareness about Taolayer, and fostering a vibrant and supportive community around the project.
Community Rewards and Incentives
2% of the total token supply is allocated to incentivize network participants, including validators, liquidity providers, developers, and community members. This allocation rewards active participation, contributions, and engagement within the Taolayer ecosystem, fostering a sense of ownership and alignment of interests among stakeholders.
Last updated